Did a study on the Marriage between # YAHUAH and Yashra'AL!
Are we on the Journey to the Wedding ? Or are we traveling in the opposite direction?
Are we preparing ourselves, as individuals?
...Are we asking #YAHUAH to purge us from filth and defilement? To remove and help us keep away anything that is not of HIM!
Everyday I'm learning something new, and I have to ask #YAHUAH am I preparing myself correctly in your eyes AB YAHUAH?
Sometimes we think we are doing great, when we are actually doing just alright.
Are our actions heart and mind pure towards #YAHUAH
The Journey has begun! Will you be invited to the
? Will you make it to the Feast? Will I?
YAHUAH will answer that based on our love for HIM and actions towards HIM. Prepare Now, time is winding! ““Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him praise, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and HIS wife prepared herself.” And to her it was given to be sequin bridesmaid dresses
in fine
, clean and bright, for the fine
is the righteousnesses of the kadush ones. And HE said to me, “Write, ‘Baruk are those who have been called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’ ” And HE said to me, “These are the true words of ALUAH .””
??Revelation of John? ?19:7-9? ISR98 ?#YAHUAH #YAHUSHA