Road to Social Ladder First Class
You must be knowledgeable and have nose for creative thinking which is finding new, improved ways of doing anything. And must have listening and learning ear to build capacity. Capacity is the state of the mind which determines how you act. How you act in turn determines how others react to you. Also, look important – it helps you think important. Never leave appearance ‘talks’. Be sure it says positive things about you. That is why you must dress right, it always pays. Remember: look important because it helps you to think important. Use clothing as a tool to lift your spirits, build confidence. Your appearance talks to you, but it also talks to others. It helps determine what others think of you. It is the first basis for evaluation other people have. Dress up for this important occasion. Get a new tie. Have your suit pressed. Shine your shoes. Look sharp because it will help you think sharp. And a well dressed person’s appearance says, here is an important person, intelligent, prosperous, and dependable. He is look up to, admired and trusted. This supports the saying that the better you are packaged, the more public acceptance you will receive. Your appearance talks to you, and it talks to others. It says, here is a person who has self-respect. He is important. Treat him that way. latest dresses 2019
Associate with people who can help you to think of new idea, new ways of doing things. Mix with people of different occupational and social interest. People with fertile, creative mind knows a good idea may sprout any time, any place. Don’t let ideas escape, also don’t destroy the fruits of your thinking, fence them in. Furthermore, ask and listen, and you will obtain raw material for reaching sound decision. Remember, big guys monopolize the listening, small people monopolizes the talking, beware.
However, restricting your social environment to the same small group produces boredom, dullness, disaffection and dissatisfaction. Make new friends, join new organizations, enlarge your social orbit. Then too, variety in people, like variety in anything else, adds spice to life and gives it a broader dimension. It is good mind food. And do not select friends who have views different from your own. Do select friends who stand above petty and unimportant things. With all these mentioned above, you are on a big journey to the creams of the society’s station. Learn also, how to cling on that ladder because it is also slippery and disastrous when you fall off. Honestly, these e-books @
are all amazing and awesome in dismantling hurdles to your social and economic migration to the societal echeloen, download them and confirm the testimony today without mix feelings. The taste of the pudding is in the eating so said our aged saying.
1.Dance and Mind: Perspective on Dance in Contemporary Nigeria -
2. Nigerian Graduates And Red Devil's Perspective -
3.Turaki of Adamawa: The Ebullient Man of Our Time (full elegant story of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar as a political brand for 2019 election in Nigeria)-
4. Where is Nigeria's Fertile Data: First Thing First -
5. Love The Whole Number in Marriage -
6. Ugwuezeahism Poetic Man's Dimension: My Own Super Tale -