blush colored wedding dress

Edit: I'm posting a photograph of the great-great-grandmother in comments. She is the common ancestor of my fourth cousin Jane Bator and her mother, my late, sorely missed, third cousin once removed, Martha Bator .


I know it's not TBT, but I just felt like posting this tonight. This is me, at age 16, wearing the "second-day dress" of my great-great-grandmother, Jane Alexander Crawford Hancock -- my maternal grandmother's grandmother. The "second-day" dress was second only to the blush colored wedding dress wedding dress , and was worn for very special occasions. This dress was pale lemon yellow silk. A beautiful gown. The shawl was ecru lace. My grandmother donated it to the Chicago Historical Society. At one point, the dress was on display there along with this photo. I have no idea what has happened to it in the intervening almost 60 years.